The Broken World (Part 4) | binary-chaosFirst Principles… Breaking the lies our revisionist history uses to keep us powerless.May 21, 2021May 21, 2021
Compassion & “The Other” | binary-chaosWhat is the other? What makes your version of desired outcomes the right ones? Why will you be on the right side of history, or not?May 21, 2021May 21, 2021
Losing Your Religion | binary-chaosAll of the different times when you realized the world wasn’t what you’d been told it was or you thought it was.May 14, 2021May 14, 2021
How do we get from here to there? | binary-chaosThinking of paths out of the domination focused failure models humans keep creating.May 14, 2021May 14, 2021
Privacy is a problem… | binary-chaosOutside of your comfort zone and into the deep, let’s look at this concept so many hold dear and tear it apart a bit.May 14, 2021May 14, 2021
No limits to your “love” | binary-chaosOur relationships are not a box to be determined by our culture. Stop seeing each other as property.May 12, 2021May 12, 2021
The kids are alright, if you let them be. | binary-chaosPreparing children for this world means not protecting them from it. You will cause the harm you are trying to prevent.May 12, 2021May 12, 2021
Cost and Consequence | binary-chaosOur own end game is in our hands. We either work with nature or it will destroy us.May 9, 2021May 9, 2021
Rinse & Repeat | binary-chaosLiving Einstein’s definition of insanity in a world of repetitive exploitation.May 9, 2021May 9, 2021